Advancing the educational, scientific, and cultural programs of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science by raising funds and generating community support.
About STEAM Trek
Each trip includes a 40-minute film, teacher prep notes, discussion questions, and an optional hands-on activity.
Plus the following FREE gifts:
A 10-minute virtual tour of the Museum
A FREE classroom experiment-in-a-box
A FREE Museum Logo gift for each child
A FREE 4-person pass for each child to see a movie at the Verus Research DynaTheater with their family
Field trips run approximately 2 hours if the optional activities are used, and can include up to 30 students.
What You Would Need
Virtual Classrooms require access to an internet connection, and equipment to stream Vimeo, such as Chromecast, AirPlay (on compatible Apple devices), or other casting methods. Certain smart TV brands have built-in casting apps. (Be sure to test your streaming connection.)
An alternative method is to watch Vimeo on individual computers.
Book a Field Trip
Virtual Field Trips are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available. Once registered, you will be notified and sent field trips links via email.
Questions? Contact Sharlene Argyres:
STEAM TREK is FREE to all school groups, made possible by the generosity of our sponsors.
Presenting Sponsor:
Additional Sponsor: